/ / How COVID is Affecting Search Traffic

How COVID is Affecting Search Traffic

Because search reflects human behavior, COVID-19 is affecting each industry differently. Some industries saw an initial increase in online search. For other industries, like anything travel related, there was an initial decrease. And for some, the search results were all over the place–up one week and down the next.

Here are some COVID related updates that could help your website:

  1. Add a COVID statement to let folks know how your business is addressing any city or state requirements
  2. Update your hours and contact information if necessary
  3. Also update the hours and contact information on your Google map listing if they have changed. Google also allows you to add a short post to your map listing with any special news about your site’s operating procedures or schedule.
  4. If you have extra time on your hands consider a website update and searsch engine optimization. According to the Search Engine Journal, SEO is a cost efficient investment during COVID-19. People are conducting more online searches than ever before. It’s a good time to proactively manage your web presence and social media accounts.

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